Welcome to Lorenzo Barron Artist Blog

I'd like to welcome you to my blog.  The selection of paintings that you will see is an indication of versatility of my work. I will be regularly updating my blog with additional art work for everyone to enjoy. 
Many thanks


A 16x20 "Reflections of a Sunset" print in a mounted floater frame.

Lorenzo's "Journey Through the Field of Art" is a interactive class where all participants will discover who they are and the therapeutic benefits of art. Group members can develop their talents in a safe caring and friendly environment.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, a friend of mine recommended I check your site out as she knew that your style of work would be right up my street. She was absolutely correct!! Your work is wonderful, you have a great talent. I have already suggested to my husband which one he is to buy me for Christmas and look forward to enjoying your work in my study!
